T-storms on their way!
The good news is you can help ease your pet's anxiety with the following products. Keep in mind these also can be helpful with separation anxiety, stress from travel, etc.
Thundershirts create a pressure sensation (think swaddling an infant, therapeutic weighted blankets) which can help ease anxiety.
(Herbal) Calming collars are generally made with soothing aromatics like lavender and chamomile.
There are also snacks infused with a natural blend of ingredients to help calm nerves.
Melatonin is a natural occurring hormone can help you furry friend (and humans!)
Rescue remedy contains a mixture of natural extracts that have been known to be useful as well.
As always, please consult with your veterinarian with any concerns or questions.
What have you used for your pets that's worked?
Greyhound Ranger cuddling with a blanket in a safe spot